Sunday, July 19, 2009

How To Gain Readers To Your Blog or Website & Minimize Bounce Rate

You want readers but you don't have any and you continuously ask yourself why. If this sounds like you then I want to provide you some guidance. Your writing needs to have valuable content and to be focused. This sounds easier then it is!

First let us examine the main reasons that people use the internet:

  • Communication
  • Buying Products
  • Needing Information
  • Needing Entertainment
Those are the four major reasons that people go online.

Choose Your Goal:

Many people will start up personal blogs, better known as journals, and try to monetize them. This goes over like a lead balloon because people, outside of friends and family, have little interest in what is going on in your personal life. The only caveat to that statement really only applies to celebrities, because, for some ungodly reason, people have an obsession with what celebrities do in their spare time.

If your blog or site does not offer one of the four services above, then you need to make a decision. What will your blog or site offer? Choose your goal. Journals will not necessarily fail, but they are more likely to. You need to offer something that people need. People need information about things that impact their lives, people need entertainment, and people need it concise.

Focus The Content:

What makes your content unique, and what makes it better than anyone else offering it? If you cannot answer these questions, or you cannot answer them well, then you need to refocus what you are writing.

How well does your site offer your service? Are you providing information that people will be seeking out, like tutorials? How clear and well worded are they? How specific are they? Do you provide screen shots or pictures to help clarify? Is there another site that offers the same information, but in a better way?

You must focus your content and make it very consistent. People need information, and you have one shot at making these people returning visitors, or just another bounce in your Google Analytics.

Is your site offering entertainment? This is a competitive field. Another problem is it needs large amounts of content, and consistently new content. A good example to consider is a joke site. When the average person goes to a joke site, they don't read just one and leave (unless it is horrible) they want to read many jokes. You better have lots of content, and it must be good.
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We Have Gone Windowless! Bye, Bye Microsoft and Hello Ubuntu!

Today we've switched all of our computers over from the horrid Windows Vista over to Ubuntu 9.04. So far everything is amazing. The interface is nice and Ubuntu is very fast! Windows Vista was a behemoth! I will admit, at first I liked Windows Vista with its sleek interface and comfortable feel. But after the honeymoon, everything went downhill. It booted slowly, the interface was cumbersome, and explorer began to crash repeatedly. I'm so happy to finally be rid of Windows.

Ubuntu is a free open source operating system, and it comes with great software like Open Office (A comparable suite to Microsoft Office, except it is completely free). Microsoft did such a good job of cornering the market when it comes to getting their Windows software and office programs on new computers, but this change is certainly worth it. We are now completely off of Windows, and not a single crash yet! Windows Explorer would crash at least 6 times a day while doing various activities. Well, no more! Goodbye Windows, and good bye Microsoft. No more money mongering corporation in this computer.

We don't need Windows, we don't need Microsoft, and say no to 7! (Windows 7 for those that aren't in the know.)

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Thursday, July 16, 2009

Feeding RSS To Twitter Via

Have you wanted to have Twitter automatically send a tweet when you publish a new blog post? Most likely you currently go on and manually tweet your new posts. You do not have to do that any longer! allows you to sign up for free and send your RSS feed from your blog to and will then submit any new posts to your Twitter account.

It is pretty simple. All you have to do is go to, sign up, provide it with your twitter account, allow Twitterfeed within Twitter and then post new blogs. If any of that sounds complicated, believe us, it is not! The whole process is very seamless and not confusing at all. Once you have and your Twitter account linked, will check your blogs RSS feed and if there is something new within the time that you specified, it will grab that post and send a tweet to Twitter for you.

The only draw back right now is that it does not do it in real time, but that is an option that they might start doing. Currently it will check your RSS feed every half hour, hour, or a few other options. The best part is that it is free. also has some advanced options that allows you to customize how the tweets are worded for maximum customization. We definitely take advantage of that!

So, the answer is Yes! You can RSS feed your blog posts over to Twitter!

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Traffic Update: Google Is Cranking

The page view count is up 22.6% which is surprisingly consistent. It exceeded all expectations that traffic could maintain a 20%+ growth. While this growth is nice to see it is beginning to look like the 10,000 page view goal may have been too lofty. Either way, we will continue forward and try our hardest to reach this goal. The biggest mover and shaker has been Google. Google has provided a ton of traffic in the last two weeks and has exceeded all of our other traffic sources.

Twitter will get an honorable mention as Twitter has provided very consistent traffic (not large amounts but a consistent small amount). This has helped to keep a steady pace. We have collaborated with a great online tool to help feed all of our new posts directly to Twitter in an automated fashion. I'll write another post about that entirely! Hubpages has been very good to us. Our articles have been performing well and are maintaining very steady traffic.

Our eHow articles are picking up in traffic, but are still very modest in the amounts they receive. Unfortunately, eHow doesn't offer very much in the way of reporting so pulling useful data is still basically impossible. The various blogs are doing well, they are still inconsistent, but this is most likely due to a lack of content (as they are basically new blogs) and they probably are not very high in the search results. This will hopefully remedy in time, but we won't hold our breath.

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Thursday, July 9, 2009

Traffic Report Update For Goals:

The numbers are looking a little more promising. This week we've experienced a nearly 22% increase in traffic which is very nice. This is due in part to a more steady flow of traffic from Google and Yahoo. I thought Bing was going to be a lot more friendly but it has run dry for us for the past week or so.

The Hubpage articles have been receiving a large amount of traffic lately. Much of the new traffic is attributed to Google which has caught up with referrals from the Hubpages community itself! This was very surprising as we expected the most traffic to come from Hubpages. Yahoo has played a slight role in the Hubpage traffic, but surprisingly popped up as well. We've never really used that search engine, but out of gratitude for the traffic we may need to start.

Across our Various Blogs Special Her has gotten the second largest % increase in traffic, while U.S. Elephant got the highest percentage increase in the last week. We've refocused our writing for Debris Central as it began to deviate. It has now been refocused to specifically provide survival information and tips. For this blog we are trying to provide more detailed information that will hopefully give good tips to new webmasters, and bloggers alike. That's all for today.

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Monday, July 6, 2009

Traffic Trending and Analysis

I've been pouring over my traffic reports and I'm seeing better results coming from google on some of my sites. Most of my sites are seeing a very tiny blip on the google radar and this could either indicate that I'm starting to appear in the results, or it's just an anomaly and I might still be in the google sandbox.

I received a question from one of my readers asking why I do not give each of my blogger blogs an actual domain. There are a couple of reasons for this. Firstly this is a sort of experiment that I've had in the works. I believe that you can make a very successful blog without needing a top level domain. Secondly, I want to see a return on my actual work first, then once I have the return, I will turn it over into enhancements for the blog. A sort of, pull it up by its own bootstraps scenario.

Well, that is my update for tonight. I will be posting the new traffic goals status in the next couple of days so keep your eyes open!

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Friday, July 3, 2009

Traffic Driver!

I've been working like a dog trying to summon traffic from search engines, and it is slowly beginning to work! You may notice to the right that I now have twitter integrated. This is completely a two way road. I now have my new blog posts feeding into twitter and twitter feeding into my blogs. It's a very nice setup!

You can follow me along by going to and signing up and then click the "follow" button on my profile. If you already have a twitter account then just click the "follow" button. This will keep you steadily updated with my posts on my various blogs and I even like to toss in some twitters that I write myself so keep your eyes open!

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Thursday, July 2, 2009

Busy, Busy, Busy

I've updated the Goals section today and must say it's quite disappointing. I've seen a steep drop off in traffic, but this is mainly due to my lack of new content I imagine. My biggest issue is that I spend a lot of time trying to develop good, thorough content which lends me to being inconsistent with the amount I crank out each week. Either way, any increase is better than no increase. Here is some of the new content I've put out in the last two or three weeks:

As you can see I write about many different topics that come to mind. Many of these fall in line with some of my other blogs content. I will continue writing more but I tend to refuse to compromise my quality so I can crank out quantity. Hopefully the search engines will reward me in the future with great ranks!

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